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11-07 发布 423 次浏览 展会信息 信息编号:90




中国(青岛)第五届国际黄金珠宝首饰展览会, 举办时间:-/11/15----/11/18 举办展馆:青-际会展中心;山东省青岛市崂山区苗岭路9号 乘车路线 所属行业:奢侈品 展会城市:山东|青岛市 主办单位:-商品贸易促进委员会,亚洲国际珠宝交易商会,山东省黄金协会,山东省珠宝商会 承办单位:青岛雅雄会展有限公司 协办单位:广东省四会市玉器商会,广州正恒凯特会展有限公司,云南瑞丽姐告九彩翠玉城,黄龙玉商会 举办周期:常年 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:奢侈品展会(1)珠宝展会(1)首饰展会(1)收藏品展会(1)其他奢侈品展会(0) 展会简介 广阔市场 超前端黄金珠宝消费领域Broad M-et with Ultra-front-end Gold Jewelry Consumption Areas中国----世界最活跃珠宝首饰市场:中国是世界最活跃的珠宝首饰销售市场和集散市场;珠宝首饰销售总额、出口总额居世界第一位,年消费总额达30多亿元。同时也是世界上第四大黄金消费国,更是全球第三大黄金首饰消费市场。China ---- The World's Most Active Jewelry M-et:China is the world's most active jewelers sales - and distribution -;The total sales of jewelers and the total export volume ranking first in the world, and its total annual consumption is over 30 billion. It is also the world's fourth largest gold consumer and the world's third largest gold jeweler’s consumer -.青岛—高端产品必聚之地:山东省坐拥众多珠宝首饰集散市场:青岛中韩小商品城、青岛工艺品城、招远黄金珠宝城、昌乐宝石城、昌乐立伟珠宝广场、亿克拉国际宝石之都、威海国际金玉珠宝交易中心、济南万家隆珠宝交易中心、济南珠光宝玉石市场等,规模庞大,尽显实力;同时,青岛也是历来国内外知名珠宝品牌的必争之地,众多珠宝知名品牌,如万宝金楼、名钻坊、卡迪亚、京华钻石、戴欧妮、上海老凤祥银楼、中意珠宝、周生生、七彩云南珠宝等纷纷入驻青岛市场,为顶级珠宝行业的发展提供了广阔空间;Qingdao - high-end products to be gathered together:Shandong Province is sitting on a number of jewelers distribution - with large-scale and a full stren-;: Qingdao, China and South Korea Commodity City, Qingdao city of arts and crafts, Zhaoyuan Gold Jewelry City, Changle Gem City, Changle Liwei jewelry Plaza, Yi La Ke international gems, Weihai international jewelry trade centers, JiNan Wan Jia Long Jewelry Trade Center, Jinan pearl gem -.;;; At the same time, Qingdao is always full of famous jewelry brand at home and abroad such as WANBAO jin lou , Diamond Link , Cartier , Jinghua Diamond,Diony,Shanghai Lao FengXiang,Zhon-i Jewelry,Chow Sang Sang Jewellery and so on.Qingdao is proving a brosd - for d-lopment of top jewelry industry.优势地理位置、优势经济优势,不容错过:青岛地处半岛,濒黄海,近渤海,具有蓝色经济的龙头地位和区位优势。创新优势,新型产业日趋规模发展,一大批高技术低投入产业落座青岛。同时作为中国北方最大的贵金属加工区,其黄金珠宝展会影响力巨大。;南有深圳沙头角,北有青岛保税区;—青岛作为全国珠宝行业中的佼佼者与领先者,必将在-中国(青岛)第五届国际黄金珠宝首饰展览会中创造不菲的业绩!Advantageous geographical location and dominant economic advantage, can not be missed:Qingdao is located in the Pen-ula, Yellow Sea, near the Bohai Sea, has a blue economy leading position and location advantages. A large number of Low-input , high-tech industries seated in Qingdao. Precious metals processing zone in northern China as the largest exhibition of its gold jewelry a huge influence. ;Shenzhen Sha Tau Kok in the south while Qingdao - Trade Zone in the North; - Qingdao as a leader in the national jewelry industry leader, is bound in the - China (Qingdao) the fifth international gold jewelers exhibition to - the high performance. 参展范围 展示范围:◆黄金制品:金币、金表及其它黄金制品;◆钻石及宝石:钻石、-、蓝宝石、-、半宝石、人造宝石、水晶、碧玺;◆珠宝首饰:-首饰、黄金首饰、铂金首饰、银饰、K金、钯金首饰、钻-饰、宝石饰品、镶嵌饰品、-饰品、镀金饰品、珍珠饰品、翡翠玉石饰品等;◆珍珠及珊瑚:中国淡水珍珠、中国海水珍珠、日本珍珠、南洋珍珠、大溪地珍珠、马白珠、养殖珍珠、人造珍珠;红珊瑚、珊瑚珍品、珊瑚配饰;◆玉石类:翡翠、和田玉、寿山石、鸡血石、青田石、巴林石、岫岩玉;◆设备仪器:珠宝首饰、设备仪器工具、鉴定设备、软件、首饰盒陈列及包装用品等Display range:◆ Gold products: gold co-, gold watches and other gold products;◆Diamonds and precious stones: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds,;;; semi-precious stones, artificial stones, crystal, tourmaline;◆ Jewelry: platinum jewelry, gold jewelry, platinum jewelry, silver, K gold, palladium, gold jewelry, diamond jewelry, gemstone jewelry, mosaic jewelry, imitation jewelry, gold jewelry, pearl jewelry, Jade jewelry, etc.;◆ Pearl and Coral: Chinese freshwater pearls, seawater pearls in China, Japan, pearls, South Sea pearls, Tahitian pearls, white horse beads, cultured pearls, artificial pearls; red coral, precious coral, coral accessories;◆ the jade Classes: jadeite and nephrite, Shoushan Stone, Soapstone, Qingtian stone, Balin, Xiuyan jade;◆ Equipment and Instrument: jewelry equipments and -truments, tools, entification equipment, software, jewelry boxes, display and packaging supplies. 参展费用 展位费用 国内企业标准展位:6000元-/展位 国内企业豪华展位:8800元-/展位 角位加收1000元-/个展位;标准展位(3×;39㎡)包括:三面或两面展板,一张洽谈桌,两把椅子,企业楣板文字制作,220V/500W电源插座一个 角位加收1000元-/个展位;标准展位(3×;39㎡)包括:地毯、两盏射灯,三面或两面展板,一张洽谈桌,两把椅子,企业楣板文字制作,220V/500W电源插座一个 室内空地:5500元-/展位 室内空地:5500元-/展位 室内空地:最少起租36平方米,不带任何展具、电源,参展商自付展台装饰及管理费用。 - 组委会- 地址:山东省青岛市四方区台柳路133号;;; 邮编:266000联系人:桑懿;13698657332;;;;;;;传真:0086-532-85616911 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请联系我们。 。盱眙展会信息发布。
更多中国(青岛)第五届国际黄金珠宝首饰展览会最新相关信息: 第五届中国成都国际LED展览会,第五届中国国际流体机械展览会,第五届电子制造自动化&资源展,

盱眙展会信息 中国(青岛)第五届国际黄金珠宝首饰展览会
